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Animated short films in Denmark boast a long and rich tradition going all the way back to 1906, when artist and inventor Storm P. first experimented with the format. The best animated short films are marvels of concision, condensing complex ideas and emotions into brief, satisfying bursts of storytelling. 

The films in this program are visionary, humorous, absurd, sad, and thoughtful. The filmmakers experiment freely with animation techniques: hand-drawn animation, 3D animation, cut-out, puppet animation. The VAF Best Short program is designed to reflect the impressive diversity found within new animated short films from around the world. 

VAF Best Short highlight films that manage to touch us deeply in a very short time. The category is open to all internationally produced animated films of any genre. The length of the film is at least 25 minutes including credits. The winner will receive 1000 euros. 

Best Short – Program 1

Best Short – Program 2

Indeværende måned


Nancy Denney-Phelps

Nancy Denney-Phelps is a journalist writing about European animation and festivals as well as a producer of music for animation. Along with her composer/musician husband Nik Phelps, she co-founded the Sprocket Ensemble dedicated to presenting live performances of original music with screenings of contemporary animation from around the world. Nancy’s writings have appeared in such publications as CARTOON and ANIMATOON as well as on her regular blog for AWN (Animation World Network). She is also a regular correspondent for ASIFA/San Francisco and a member of the ASIFA International Board of Directors as well as an Ambassador At Large for the Emile Awards.

Pernille Kjær

Pernille Kjaer (1989) is a Danish independent animation filmmaker and multidisciplinary artist. Former student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Aarhus, she completed her studies with a BA in character animation from The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark. Her work includes animated films,
prints, painting and ceramics.

Steen Bille

Steen Bille er uddannet cand.phil. i dramaturgi fra Aarhus Universitet. Han har undervist i filmdramaturgi ved Institut for Film-og Medievidenskab på Københavns Universitet og gennem sin karriere været brugt internationalt som konsulent, underviser og foredragsholder i en række europæiske lande.

I en årrække var Steen Bille studievært mm. i DR-Radio, og han var spillefilmkonsulent på Det Danske Filminstitut fra 2010 – 2015. Siden har han været tilknyttet spillefilm-komiteen i Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, været filmsagkyndig i Nordisk Kulturfond, censor på Filmskolen, sagkyndig for Eurimages og Den maltesiske Filmfond.

Steen Bille skriver desuden romaner sammen med sin hustru Lisbeth Bille (Bille&Bille) og har skrevet filmmanuskripter med Niels Arden Oplev, ligesom han har været en flittigt brugt manuskriptkonsulent.