Tidligere VAF Vindere

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Spring, Pernille Kjær - VAF Best Short 2023

VAF Best Short
Spring, Pernille Kjær

Mars Express, Jérémie Pérrin

VAF Best feature
Mars Express, Jérémie Pérrin

All my Scars Vanish in the Wind, Maria Angelica Restrepo & Carlos David Velandia - VAF Best Experimental 2023

VAF Best Experimental
All my Scars Vanish in the Wind, Maria Angelica Restrepo & Carlos David Velandia

La Vita Nouva, Arthur Sevestre - VAF Best Graduation 2023

VAF Best Graduation
La Vita Nouva, Arthur Sevestre

The Swineherd, Magnus Igland Møller & Peter Smith - ANIMOK Youth Jury 2023

ANIMOK Youth Jury
Svinedrengen, Magnus Igland Møller, Peter Smith

Mano, Toke Ringmann - Open Workshop Danish Talent 2023

Open Workshop Danish Talent
Mano, Toke Ringmann

Hidden Heroes, Anna Levinson

VAF Best Commissioned work
Hidden Heroes, Anna Levinson

In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats, Darren Emerson - ANIDOX:VR Award 2023

ANIDOX: VR Jury Prize
In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats, Darren Emerson.


My love affair with marriage, Signe Baumane - VAF Best feature 2022

VAF Best feature
My love affair with marriage, Signe Baumane.

Sierra, Sander Joon - VAF Best Short 2022

VAF Best Short
Sierra, Sander Joon.

A goat’s spell, Gerhard Funk - VAF Best Experimental 2022

VAF Best Experimental
A goat’s spell, Gerhard Funk.

Night of the living dread, Ida Melum - VAF Best Graduation 2022

VAF Best Graduation
Night of the living dread, Ida Melum.

The Sausage run by Thomas Stellmach - ANIMOK Youth Jury 2022

ANIMOK Youth Jury
The Sausage run by Thomas Stellmach.

Terra Incognita by Pernille Kjær og Adrian Dexter - OW Danish Animation Award 2022

OW Danish Animation Award
Terra Incognita by Pernille Kjær og Adrian Dexter.

The U.S. Syphilis Experiment, Ouros Animation, TED Ed - VAF Best Commissioned work 2022

VAF Best Commissioned work
The U.S. Syphilis Experiment, Ouros Animation, TED Ed.

End of Night, David Adler - ANIDOX: VR Jury Prize 2022

ANIDOX: VR Jury Prize
End of Night, David Adler.


Flee, Jonas Poher Rasmussen - VAF Best feature 2021

VAF Best feature
Flee, Jonas Poher Rasmussen.

Horacio, Caroline Cherrier - VAF Best Short 2021

VAF Best Short
Horacio, Caroline Cherrier.

Kitchen.Blend, Natalia Ilchuk - VAF Best Experimental 2021

VAF Best Experimental
Kitchen.Blend, Natalia Ilchuk.

A tiny tale, Sylvain Cuvillier, Chloé Bourdic, Théophile Coursimault, Noémie Halberstam, Maŷlis Mosny, Zijing Ye - VAF Best Graduation 2021

VAF Best Graduation
A tiny tale, Sylvain Cuvillier, Chloé Bourdic, Théophile Coursimault, Noémie Halberstam, Maŷlis Mosny, Zijing Ye.

Spaceham, Nicolai Vielwerth - ANIMOK Youth Jury 2021

ANIMOK Youth Jury
Spaceham, Nicolai Vielwerth.

I’ll be your kettle, Tobias Rud - OW Danish Animation Award 2021

OW Danish Animation Award
I’ll be your kettle, Tobias Rud.

Jonathan Hagard and “Replacements” - ANIDOX: VR Jury prize 2021

ANIDOX: VR Jury prize
Jonathan Hagard and “Replacements”.

Abner Preis and “Blowing through the curtains” - ANIDOX_VR, residency award 2021

ANIDOX_VR, residency award
Abner Preis and “Blowing through the curtains”.


Marona’s Fantastic Tale, Anca Damian - VAF Best Feature 2020

VAF Best feature
Marona’s Fantastic Tale, Anca Damian.

Winter in the rainforest, Anu-Laura Tuttelberg - VAF Best Short 2020

VAF Best Short
Winter in the rainforest, Anu-Laura Tuttelberg.

Halp Asleet, Caibei Cai - VAF Best Experimental 2020

VAF Best Experimental
Halp Asleet, Caibei Cai.

To the dusty sea, Héloïse Ferlay - VAF Best Student film 2020

VAF Best Student film
To the dusty sea, Héloïse Ferlay.

Minimum Mass, Raqui Syed and Areito Echevarria - ANIDOX:VR Award 2020

Minimum Mass, Raqui Syed and Areito Echevarria.

Hush, Vibeke Bryld - Open Workshop Residency Award 2020

Open Workshop Residency Award
Hush, Vibeke Bryld.

028, Otalia Caussé, Geoffroy Colling, Louise Grardel, Antoine Marchand, Robin Merle and Fabien Meyran - ANIMOK Youth Jury Award 2020

ANIMOK Youth Jury Award
028, Otalia Caussé, Geoffroy Colling, Louise Grardel, Antoine Marchand, Robin Merle and Fabien Meyran.


 The Tower, Mats Grorud - VAF Best Feature 2019

VAF Best feature
The Tower, Mats Grorud.

Mr. Mare, Luca Tóth - VAF Best Short 2019

VAF Best Short
Mr. Mare, Luca Tóth.

The redness of the red, Emily Downe - VAF Best Student film 2019

VAF Best Student film
The redness of the red, Emily Downe.

Best Immersive work: The Scream, Sandra Paugam and Charles Ayats - ANIDOX:VR Award 2019

Best Immersive work: The Scream, Sandra Paugam and Charles Ayats.

Best innovative storytelling: Another dream, Tamara Shogaolu - ANIDOX:VR Award 2019

Best innovative storytelling: Another dream, Tamara Shogaolu.

Fruits of clouds, Katerina Karhánková - ANIMOK Youth Jury Award 2019

ANIMOK Youth Jury Award
Fruits of clouds, Katerina Karhánková.


Facing It, Sam Gainsborough - The Ginger Award, VAF Staff Pick 2018

The Ginger Award, VAF Staff Pick
Facing It, Sam Gainsborough.

The Ostrich Politic, Mohamad Houhou - VAF Audience Award 2018

VAF Audience Award
The Ostrich Politic, Mohamad Houhou.


La Table, Eugéne Boitsov - The Ginger Award, VAF Staff Pick 2017

The Ginger Award, VAF Staff Pick
La Table, Eugéne Boitsov.

A Love Story, Anushka Naanayakara - VAF Audience Award 2017

VAF Audience Award
A Love Story, Anushka Naanayakara.


Velodrool, Sander Joon, Estonian Academy of Arts - The Ginger Award, VAF Staff Pick 2016

The Ginger Award, VAF Staff Pick
Velodrool, Sander Joon, Estonian Academy of Arts.

Happy End, Jan Saska, Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague - VAF Audience Award 2016

VAF Audience Award
Happy End, Jan Saska, Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.