Animated Learning Conference 2022
29/09/2022 08:03 - 16:00(GMT+02:00)
Event Details
Animated Learning Konferencen er en årlig tilbagevendende begivenhed, med fokus på film- og medieforståelse i skolesystemet. Dette års konference omhandler kreativitet og kritisk tænkning i en digital tidsalder, og hvordan
Event Details
Animated Learning Konferencen er en årlig tilbagevendende begivenhed, med fokus på film- og medieforståelse i skolesystemet. Dette års konference omhandler kreativitet og kritisk tænkning i en digital tidsalder, og hvordan vi arbejder med disse.
Konferencen byder på talks og workshops centreret omkring de følgende spørgsmål:
- Hvad betyder det at være kritisk tænkende i en digital alder?
- Hvordan kan kreative indlæringsmiljøer lede til mere kritisk tænkende børn og unge?
- Hvilket ansvar har pædagoger, lærere og visuelle professionelle i deres arbejde i en digital tidsalder?
8:30 – 9:00 checking-in and coffee
9:00-9:15 Welcome – Laura Søndergaard Isaksen, Animated Learning Lab – The Animation Workshop/VIA
9:15-10:15 Critical creativity – Jeppe Bundsgaard, professor of Language Arts Didactics at Danish School of Education, Aarhus University.
10:15-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:15 Fact-checking visual manipulations – by Nikolaj Rodkjær Kristensen – Tjekdet
11:15-12:00 Lunch
12:00-16:00 workshops including breaks, cakes and coffee – Workshops (mere info længere nede på siden)
Arrangementet kræver tilmelding
- 29/09/2022
- - Workshop 1: Philosophical thinking and creative filmmaking - - -In this workshop the participants will be working both philosophically and creative. It is based on one or more phenomenas that we recognize from our everyday life and which simultaneously have been object for philosophical wondering through history, for example happiness, evil, freedom, friendship and courage. Through various philosophical exercises, aesthetic-creative processes and conversations rooms, the participants will look into which perspectives and dilemmas that are combined to the phenomena. It can be questions about what happiness is, are humans born evil, is freedom a goal for life, is friendship something you can choose and is courage better than fear. In film production the participant will show how the philosophical questions and dilemmas appears in concrete and recognizable everyday situations.The entire workshop is organized so that it can be used with children in different age groups afterwards. With Lho Høiris and Louise Nabe-Nielsen from Rum for Undren and animator Tina Klemmensen. Rum for Undren’s vision is to create a space for children and young people’s wondering and philosophical thoughts in schools and institutions. We develop teaching materials and hold courses for teachers and pedagogues with focus on philosophy with childrens and youngsters. Rum for Undren consist of architect and artist Lho Høiris and philosophical practitioner and cand.pæd. Louise Nabe-Nielsen. Learn more from our website: and our facebook
- - Workshop 2: STOP. THINK. CHECK IT!- - -(This workshop will be held in Danish.) This workshop is split in two parts. From 12.00-14.00 with Nikolaj Rodkjær Kristensen from Tjek Det and from 14.00-16.00, Rebecca Sørensen and Munib Kardasevic from Enigma. In this workshop we’ll investigate how to teach and engage students in critical thinking and fact checking. You’ll get hands on experience with the Danish learning platform: STOP. THINK. CHECK IT! which you can use in your own practice. The learning platform engages students through podcasts, videos and hands on activities. The aim is to strengthen their digital literacy by providing them with tools to identify mis-, des- and malinformation. Short explainer videoes introduces the themes and the podcast series, ’Digital Detective’ follows a danish fact checker from Tjek Det in his investigation of real life cases through 7 episodes. The hands on activities focuses on the use of fact checking tools. The students produce their own fake information based on criterias typically found in mis-, des- and malinformation. Finally they fact check each others productions with the tools that Tjek Det also uses professionally. In this workshop you’ll experience the activities first hand as you are put in the role of the students. Target group: Teachers of students age 14-18 years old.
- - Workshop 3: DIGITAL PLAY AND STOP MOTION ANIMATION IN DAYCARE- - -In this immersion workshop, Camil Hesse will give a thorough introduction to his world as a facilitator of play, creativity and developmental work with digital media as play tools. Focusing on play processes with stopmotion animation and film on iPad, we will explore the possibilities for didactic work with language, well-being, culture and personal development in day care. During the workshop, we will test the two creative apps Stopmotion Studio and PuppetPals directors cut, which are easy to use for both adults and children and have great play potential. There will also be the opportunity to try out different types of iPad stands if you would like to invest in these aids, and there will be time to share experiences with both participants and the presenter. After the workshop, you will be able to implement digital play and animation production activities in your institution on your own. Bring an iPad and make sure you can install the apps or download the apps in advance.
- - Workshop 4: TINKERQUBE MOVIEMAKING PLAYGROUND- - -The TinkerQube is a wooden wireframe/space for instantly constructing scenographies, project environments, machines, experiments and other physical fun in more dimensions. The cubes works fine as a tinkering filmstudio for creating stop motion, multi-camera footage, jigs, rolling backgrounds etc. in a fun, engaging and hands-on way. At the workshop/micro adventure playground, we will play with building a movie with scenes, jigs, lights, narrative processes etc. A co-creative frame by frame animation made by participants at the conference. Feel free to jump in and out of the story and make exactly what part you want. The TinkerQube is open from all sides and all ideas. Join us!
- - Workshop 5: MAMA LIGHTHOUSE AND PROBLEM-SOLVING CHARACTERS- - -With Martin Spenner and Sia Søndergaard The Animation Workshop/VIA UC and the Danish production company Lommefilm (Pocketfilm) has co-worked in development of the material Mama Lighthouse. The target group for the material are students age 7 – 10 years old. With a mixture of professional animation film and the students own produced films, Mama Lighthouse reminds us that we are all connected and obliged in relation to each other. The workshop is a hands-on workshop and teaches all participants how to use the Mama Lighthouse material on their own.
- - CRITICAL THINKING IN FILM AND MEDIA LITERACY- - -This workshop track consists of a speak from The Danish Film Institute and a number of short presentations from partners in film literacy who will present their daily work or specific projects. There will also be time for a common discussion focusing on the responsibilities and ethics working with film and media literacy in a digital age. We will raise the question what do we need to be aware of to make sure that children and youth will gain the right sense of judgement in the digital age? Together with Mads Møller Tommerup Andersen, we will collect the answers and after the conference make them into an article to share with the participants and we will encourage the participants to keep the discussion alive by inviting them into a think tank in film and media literacy. Facilitators: Laura Søndergaard Isaksen and Mads Møller Tommerup Andersen.
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