Viborg Animation Festival er stolte af at kunne præsentere VAF Artist 2024: Total Refusal. Årets VAF Artist, Total Refusal, er et selvudnævnt psudo-marxistisk kunstnerkollektiv fra Østrig, og tager et nyt spin på velkendte spil såsom Red Dead Redemption og Grand Theft Auto. Gennem machinima kortfilm, perfomances og udstillinger udfordrer gruppen det klassiske narrativ, perspektiv og design i en verden af spil, film og medier.
I år har Total Refusal kurateret et spændende program af kortfilm der alle er lavet i game engines, optaget i spil eller på anden måde online. Programmet byder på øjnåbende dokumentarer og gribende fortællinger fra hele verden. Tag med til både Rusland, Cambodia og Los Angeles, og find ud af hvorfor betjente ikke slår på hinanden i Grand Theft Auto
Why is it that the vast majority of video games have us experience war through the eyes of the masculine heroic soldier time and again? How come the path through most games reflects the meritocratic journey to domination? What do these stories of individual heroism tell us about how entertainment media shape our concept of society?
“Films and games are much more than just entertainment – they are a reflection of our society and values, and they are a powerful force that shapes us as human beings. That is why we are very keen to share Total Refusal and their work with our audiences at this year’s festival, to openly discuss and talk about what we consume and produce and how that feeds in to the world we live in, and the future we are building”, Jane Lyngbye Hvid Jensen, Festival Director – Viborg Animation Festival
The films and performances of Total Refusal have been presented at Berlinale 2020, Locarno Film Festival 2022 and at MoMA in New York City. Their trackrecord sports more than 60 awards and honorable mentions from festivals and competitions all over the world.
Viborg Animation Festival 2024 welcomes Total Refusal as VAF Artist 2024 and are looking forward to showcase their work through the public exhibition, screening more of the groups’ films in Nordisk Film Cinema Viborg, and offering you a chance to ask them all your burning questions at the Q&A Talk at (TBA).
What is VAF Artist?
VAF Artist er en afgørende hjørnesten i VAF’s DNA. Hvert år gransker VAF den internationale animationsscene for at udvælge en brilliant og grænseoverskridende kunstner til at blive ambassadør for festivalugen. Her præsenterer kunstneren sit arbejde og deltager i flere arrangementer i det lokale animationsmiljø under festivalen. VAF Artist, hvis værker og idéer udfordrer status quo, personificerer selve festivalens ånd ved at nedbryde grænser og dyrke et inkluderende og inspirerende kunstnerisk fællesskab.
Paneldiskussion med tidligere VAF Artist Nikki Lindroth Von Bahr